Reference: Advanced Breakdown Filters (YARN)

Advanced breakdown filters are macro-like queries with arguments for matching app (job) names, series with metrics of given values, or series with certain Pepperdata features enabled. For information about using advanced breakdown filters, see Filter the Charts & Tables by Dimensions: Hosts, Users, Etc..

The advanced breakdown filters are applicable only for YARN clusters.

The table shows which queries you can use for each type of breakdown.

Arguments for all queries are case-sensitive.

Ephemeral Cluster ID
Ephemeral Cluster Name
Monitored Domain
Application (job)


Show only series for which the expression was true for any data point within the chart’s time range.


$HASANY(<metricUrlName> <operator> <value>)

Argument Description
metricUrlName Pepperdata metric URL name as used in dashboard URL queries; for Example, "tasks", "free_mem_pct", and "dfsbrps".

To determine a metric's name, display its chart and search the resulting URL query string for "&m=<metricUrlName>".

Only the full string of the metric's name is allowed; no wildcards or regular expressions.
operator Any of the following unary operators:
  • <
  • >
  • =
value Valid value for the metricUrlName.


To show hosts that had less than 20% free memory at any time during the chart’s time range, use the following expression:

$HASANY(free_mem_pct < 20)


Show only series for which the expression is true for all the data points within the chart’s time range.


$HASALL(<metricUrlName> <operator> <value>)

Argument Description
metricUrlName Pepperdata metric URL name as used in dashboard URL queries; for example, "tasks", "free_mem_pct", and "dfsbrps".

To determine a metric's name, display its chart and search the resulting URL query string for "&m=<metricUrlName>".

Only the full string of the metric's name is allowed; no wildcards or regular expressions.
operator Any of the following unary operators:
  • <
  • >
  • =
value Valid value for the metricUrlName.


To show hosts that never had more than 10 tasks during the chart’s time range, use the following expression:

$HASALL(n_ltp < 10)


Show only series that ran at least one task for the job with a given Id.



Argument Description
jobId Job Id; usually obtained from an application log.


To show hosts that ran tasks for job 1459982567545_5043, use either of the following expressions:

  • $HASJOB(5043)

  • $HASJOB(1459982567545_5043)


Show only apps (jobs) whose names contain a match for the specified substring.



Argument Description
name-fragment Substring to find in the app (job) name.


To show apps (jobs) whose names contain the substring “daily”, use the following expression:



Show only hosts with Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer enabled.



There are no arguments for this query.


To show hosts with Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer enabled, use the following expression:



Show only hosts that do not have Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer enabled.



There are no arguments for this query.


To show hosts without Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer enabled, use the following expression:



Show only hosts of the specified type.



Argument Description
host-type Type of host: YARN_NODEMANAGER


To show YARN NodeManager hosts, use the following expression: