Recommendations in Application Spotlight

Pepperdata recommendations for Application Spotlight are generated by the Application Profiler. The MapReduce, Spark, and Tez tiles in the Recommendations section of the Pepperdata dashboard show how many recommendations were made during the last 24 hours, along with their severity levels, for MapReduce, Spark, and Tez apps, respectively. (If there are no recommendations for a given app type, the tile does not appear on the dashboard.)

Recommendations information is shown in several places in the Pepperdata dashboard:

  • To see a table of all apps that received recommendations at a given severity level, click the linked severity text in the tile for the app type you’re interested in.

  • To see the recommendations’ severity levels for all recently run applications, show the Applications Overview page by using the left-nav menu to select App Spotlight > Applications, and filter by the desired app type.

  • To view the Application Profiler report, click the title of any app type’s recommendations tile, or use the left-nav menu to select App Spotlight > Application Profiler (and filter by the desired app type).

For details and lists of Pepperdata recommendations for a given app type, see the pages for the app types you’re interested in: