Run Pepperdata as a Non-Root User (RPM/DEB)

If your organization requires that everything be run under the principle of least privilege (PoLP), you can run Pepperdata as a non-root user—a user who lacks root access to the cluster hosts. To change from the default root user to another user, stop the Pepperdata services, remove the default log directory, change the PD_USER variable in the Pepperdata configuration file,, and restart the Pepperdata services.

Uncollected Metrics with a Non-Root User

When you run Pepperdata as a non-root user, some I/O, CPU, and network metrics are not collected. The table lists the uncollected metrics by their display name in the dashboard and by the underlying metric name.

Display Name Variable Name
cpu stat nice max t_rscpunmx
cpu stat nice min t_rscpunmn
File descriptor stat file descriptor count t_rscfdc
I/O stat requested read bytes t_rsciorb
I/O stat requested read syscalls t_rscioscr
I/O stat requested syscall writes t_rscioscw
I/O stat storage write bytes t_rsciowb
I/O stat requested write bytes t_rsciowc
socket stat number of sockets t_rscsss

Reconfigure the Pepperdata User

The Pepperdata user is configured in the Pepperdata configuration file.


  1. Stop the Pepperdata services.

  2. Ensure that the /var/log/pepperdata has the necessary access privileges for the new non-root user.

    • If you have already been running Pepperdata as the root user, and you want to retain logging data ensure that there are no gaps in metrics coverage, change the log file’s privileges to enable access by the new, non-root user.

      Be sure to replace the new-pd-user placeholder with your actual user name.

      find /var/log/pepperdata -user root -exec chown new-pd-user {} \;

    • If you are performing a new Pepperdata installation or you do not want to retain the logging data, remove the log file. When Pepperdata starts and this log file does not exist, it creates the file with the necessary privileges.

      rm /var/log/pepperdata

  3. On any host in the cluster, open the Pepperdata configuration file, /etc/pepperdata/, for editing.

  4. Find the PD_USER environment variable and change its value.

    Be sure to replace the new-pd-user placeholder with your actual user name.

    export PD_USER=new-pd-user

  5. Save your changes and close the file.

  6. On every host in the cluster, restart the PepCollector and PepAgent services.

    1. Restart the Pepperdata Collector.

      You can use either the service (if provided by your OS) or systemctl command:

      • sudo service pepcollectd restart
      • sudo systemctl restart pepcollectd
    1. Restart the PepAgent.

      You can use either the service (if provided by your OS) or systemctl command:

      • sudo service pepagentd restart
      • sudo systemctl restart pepagentd