Verify and Validate Extended JMX Metrics Definitions

To ensure that Pepperdata can use your JMX metrics definitions for extended JMX metrics collection, you should use the custom JMX metrics definitions linter that’s included in the Pepperdata package.


  • Ensure that the applicable JMX service is running on the machine where Pepperdata is installed.


  1. Create a text file (typically with a .yaml extension), referred to as an override file within the context of using the JMX metrics definitions linter, and add your JMX metrics definitions.

    The override file is your custom rules file, as specified by the pepperdata.agent.program.monitor.configPath property. You could also create a separate temporary file for testing only your new JMX metrics definitions to isolate the test from program matching rules and other metrics definitions.

  2. Run the JMX metrics definitions linter, test_custom_jmx_config.

    The default configuration is the /opt/pepperdata/supervisor/lib/pepagent-program-monitor-config-default.yaml rules file.

    /opt/pepperdata/supervisor/test_custom_jmx_config --default <path/to/default/configuration.yml> --override <path/to/override/config.yaml>

  3. If the linter reports any problems, revise your file and repeat the test.

    Repeat this process until the linter returns the following success message, which is followed by an echo of the configuration in yaml format:

    Parsing success - Successfully parsed the definitions file.
    Validation success - Valid definitions.