Topic Details Page

The Topic Details page surfaces everything that is known about a given topic.

Screenshot of Topic Details Page with callouts of its features

Top-level tabs provide access to sub-pages of topic details.

  • The Details tab (which is what is described in this document) is the default for the Topic Details display.

  • The Partitions tab shows a table of all the partitions associated with the given topic, with metrics data for each partition.

  • The Consumer Groups tab shows a table of all the consumer groups associated with the given topic, with metrics data for each consumer group. To navigate to a consumer group's Consumer Group Details page, consumer group name's hyperlink.

The Header provides an overview of the topic—its Id, status, and summary data for its producers and consumers.
The Partition Replicas tab shows metrics mini-charts for an at-a-glance view of the numbers of out-of-sync replicas, in-sync replicas, and so on.
The Stats section shows additional data that is available for the topic:

  • Traffic—Throughput data, and metrics charts that visually highlight the traffic levels for producers and consumers for the topic.

  • Lag—Chart visualization and tabular data showing the lag for each of the topic's consumer groups.