Disable Pepperdata Status Views (Parcel)

The Pepperdata Status Views provide near real-time ResourceManager and NodeManager data collected by the PepAgent and Supervisor agents. These Pepperdata Status via Web Servlets views are enabled by default, but if you do not want this data to be available to all your Pepperdata users, you can disable the views. When disabled, the pages will show a message such as Debug page is disabled or Resource not found if a user tries to access them.


  1. Add the pepperdata.supervisor.rpc.server.debugPageEnabled property, with a value of false, to the Pepperdata configuration.

    Use Cloudera Manager to add the following snippet to the Pepperdata > Service Wide > Pepperdata Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for conf/pepperdata-site.xml template, as an XML block.

  2. In Cloudera Manager, select the Restart action for the Pepperdata service.

  3. In Cloudera Manager, navigate to your cluster’s YARN (MR2 Included) service > Instances, select all ResourceManager and NodeManager hosts, and in the Actions for Selected, select Restart.