Configure Query Spotlight: Presto/Trino (Parcel)

Query Spotlight support for Presto/Trino queries is in Technical Preview, and we welcome your feedback.


Before you begin configuring Query Spotlight for Presto/Trino query monitoring, ensure that your system meets the required prerequisites.

Procedure: Enable Fetching of Presto/Trino Query Data

To enable Pepperdata to fetch Presto/Trino query data, add the required variables to the Pepperdata configuration.

  1. Use Cloudera Manager to enable Pepperdata fetching by adding the following snippet to the PepAgent Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for conf/pepperdata-site.xml template, as an XML block.

  2. Configure the username and password for accessing the Presto/Trino server.

    Add the following snippet to the PepAgent Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for conf/pepperdata-site.xml template, as an XML block.

    Be sure to replace the your-username and your-password placeholders with your actual username and password, respectively.

  3. (Non-Default environments) If your environment does not match the defaults that are assumed by Pepperdata, add any of the configuration properties that should be different from their default values, in accordance with your system/environment.

    Use Cloudera Manager to add the properties and their values to the PepAgent Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for conf/pepperdata-site.xml template, as an XML block.

    The table shows the defaults that are assumed.

    Property Name Default Value
    pepperdata.agent.genericJsonFetch.presto.interval 5000
    pepperdata.agent.genericJsonFetch.presto.port 8080
    pepperdata.agent.genericJsonFetch.presto.httpsEnabled false
    pepperdata.agent.genericJsonFetch.presto.http.authentication.type simple
    pepperdata.agent.genericJsonFetch.presto.auth.password_file "" [an empty string, including the quote marks]
    pepperdata.agent.genericJsonFetch.presto.auth.encr_password "" [an empty string, including the quote marks]
    pepperdata.agent.genericJsonFetch.presto.auth.encr_password_file "" [an empty string, including the quote marks]
    pepperdata.agent.genericJsonFetch.presto.path "/v1/query"
    pepperdata.agent.genericJsonFetch.presto.maxSizeBytes 2000000
    pepperdata.agent.genericJsonFetch.presto.https.enabled.protocols TLSv1
  4. In Cloudera Manager, select the Restart action for the PepAgent service.