Cloudera Manager with CDH - YARN: Configuring HBase Monitoring (RPM/DEB)

Supported versions: See the CDH and CDP Private Cloud Base entries for Pepperdata 8.0.x in the table of Supported Platforms by Pepperdata Version

To configure HBase, activate Pepperdata in the HBase RegionServers, and add the required properties to the Pepperdata site configuration to enable collecting the HBase metrics. If there are different authentication types for the HBase Web UI and the other cluster services, override the Pepperdata-default setting (pepperdata.agent.hbase.http.authentication.type) for HBase. If the HTTP service policy for HBase is different than the HTTP service policy for YARN, override the Pepperdata-default setting (pepperdata.agent.hbase.http.policy) for HBase.


Before you perform any of this procedure’s tasks (Task 1–Task 4), ensure that you know the HBase URL endpoint’s HTTP service policy (HTTPS_ONLY or HTTP_ONLY). You’ll need to know the HTTP service policy when you:

Task 1: Configure Pepperdata to Collect HBase Filesystem Metrics

To activate Pepperdata—inject the necessary instrumentation—for HBase in a Cloudera Manager configured cluster, add Pepperdata Java options to the Hadoop service’s configuration options.


  • Use Cloudera Manager to add the following snippet to the HBase > Configuration > RegionServer > Java Configuration Options for HBase RegionServer template.

    -Dpepperdata.class.transformer=com.pepperdata.supervisor.classpatcherlib.ClassTransformerForHBase -Dpepperdata.class.patching.enabled=true -javaagent:/opt/pepperdata/lib/PepperdataSupervisor.jar

Task 2: Turn On HBase Monitoring and Configure Ports and Polling


  1. Use Cloudera Manager to add the following snippet to the Pepperdata > Service Wide > Pepperdata Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for conf/pepperdata-site.xml template, as an XML block.

    <!-- For HBase Filesystem Metrics Collection -->
  2. (Optional) To use ports and settings other than the defaults, configure any/all of the override properties.

    The table shows the default values.

    Setting Default Value
    RegionServer port 16030
    RegionServer polling interval 60000 milliseconds (1 minute)
    HBase Master Server port 16010
    HBase Master Server polling interval 60000 milliseconds (1 minute)
    1. To change the RegionServer port, add the following snippet, for the pepperdata.agent.hbase.jmx.regionserver.port property, to the same template (Pepperdata > Service Wide > Pepperdata Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for conf/pepperdata-site.xml).

      <!-- For an HBase Region Server port other than the default Hadoop port (16030) -->
    2. To change the RegionServer polling interval, add the following snippet, for the pepperdata.agent.hbase.web.regionservermetrics.monitor.interval property, to the same template (Pepperdata > Service Wide > Pepperdata Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for conf/pepperdata-site.xml).

      <!-- For an HBase Region Server polling interval other than the default (60000 milliseconds) -->
    3. To change the Master Server port, add the following snippet, for the pepperdata.agent.hbase.jmx.master.port property, to the same template (Pepperdata > Service Wide > Pepperdata Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for conf/pepperdata-site.xml).

      <!-- For an HBase Master Server port other than the default Hadoop port (16010) -->
    4. To change the Master Server polling interval, add the following snippet, for the pepperdata.agent.hbase.web.mastermetrics.monitor.interval property, to the same template (Pepperdata > Service Wide > Pepperdata Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for conf/pepperdata-site.xml).

      <!-- For an HBase Master Server polling interval other than the default (60000 milliseconds) -->
  3. Navigate back to the cluster view, and for the HBase service, select the Rolling Restart action, and then select only the HBase RegionServers.

Task 3: (Different Kerberization for HBase Web UI and Other Cluster Services) Override the Pepperdata-Default Authentication Type for HBase

Although the HBase Web UI and the remaining cluster services typically use the same authentication mechanism—and therefore by default, Pepperdata assumes that HBase Web UI is Kerberized or not according to whether the YARN services are Kerberized—they can be different. That is, a cluster can be Kerberized for other services, but not for the HBase Web UI, or vice versa (Kerberized HBase Web UI but nothing else Kerberized in the cluster).


  1. Determine/verify the authentication type for the HBase endpoint by running the following cURL command, where {your-protocol} is http or https:

    curl --tlsv1.2 -kIs {your-protocol}://YOUR_HBASE_HOST:YOUR_PORT/jmx | grep WWW-Authenticate

    • If the returned response is WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate, the authentication type (your-hbase-auth-type) is kerberos.
    • Otherwise nothing is returned, and the authentication type (your-hbase-auth-type) is simple.
  2. Use Cloudera Manager to add the following snippet to the Pepperdata > Service Wide > Pepperdata Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for conf/pepperdata-site.xml template, as an XML block.

    Be sure to substitute the authentication type for the HBase Web UI (simple or kerberos, as indicated by the cURL command’s output in step 1) for the your-hbase-auth-type placeholder.

    <!-- Override for PepAgent authentication for HBase Web UI HTTP endpoints -->

Task 4: (Different HTTP Service Policy for HBase YARN) Override the Pepperdata-Default HTTP Service Policy for HBase

Although HBase and YARN typically use the same HTTP service policy—and therefore by default, Pepperdata assumes that the service policy for HBase is HTTPS_ONLY or HTTP_ONLY according to the policy for YARN—they can be different. That is, HBase might be configured for HTTPS_ONLY when the HTTP service policy for YARN is HTTP_ONLY, or vice versa (HTTP_ONLY for HBase, but HTTPS_ONLY for YARN).


  • Use Cloudera Manager to add the following snippet to the Pepperdata > Configuration > PepAgent > PepAgent Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for conf/pepperdata-site.xml template, as an XML block.

    Be sure to substitute the HTTP service policy for HBase (HTTPS_ONLY or HTTP_ONLY) for the your-hbase-http-service-policy placeholder.

    <!-- Override the default HTTP service policy for HBase -->