Manage the License Key File (Parcel)

To enable and run Pepperdata software, you need to obtain a license key file from your Pepperdata representative and add it to the configuration for the Pepperdata service (for CDH and CDP Private Cloud Base, see Add Pepperdata Service to Cloudera Manager; for CDP Public Cloud, see YOUR-PD-LICENSE placeholder in Create the Pepperdata-Enabled Cluster Definition and Pepperdata-Enabled Cluster Template). If you do not have a license key or your license key expires, your big data (Hadoop) environment continues to function normally, but Pepperdata-specific functions are disabled. To re-enable Pepperdata after your license expires, renew the license and install the new license key file.

When the expiration date of your license key draws near, the Supervisor writes messages to the ResourceManager logfiles and displays a warning message on your Pepperdata dashboard. When you see the logged messages or dashboard warning, contact Pepperdata Support to renew your license.

Verify the License Key Status

You can check the status of the Pepperdata license on any host on which Pepperdata is installed. The license status tool displays a summary of the license state, including the compliance status and expiration date.


  • On a Resource Manager, run the license status tool.


(CDH and CDP Private Cloud Base) Update the License Key

In installations on CDH and CDP Private Cloud Base, you can replace the Pepperdata license key anytime.


  1. In Cloudera Manager, navigate to Pepperdata > Configuration > Pepperdata License Specification.

  2. Leave the beginning of the license string, data://, as-is, and replace the remainder of the string with the contents of the new license file.

    Be sure to not add any spaces after the data:// string, and be sure to not enter that string a second time (even if it appears in the license file).

  3. Click Save Changes.

  4. Select the Restart action for the Pepperdata service.

(CDP Public Cloud) Update the License Key

For running clusters on CDH and CDP Private Cloud Base, you can replace the Pepperdata license key anytime. To replace the license that will be used for future clusters on CDP Public Cloud, create and register a new Pepperdata-enabled cluster template (with the new license key) to use when you create the new clusters.

In This Section

Running Clusters

  1. In Cloudera Manager, navigate to Pepperdata > Configuration > Pepperdata License Specification.

  2. Leave the beginning of the license string, data://, as-is, and replace the remainder of the string with the contents of the new license file.

    Be sure to not add any spaces after the data:// string, and be sure to not enter that string a second time (even if it appears in the license file).

  3. Click Save Changes.

  4. Select the Restart action for the Pepperdata service.

Future Clusters

Taking the following into account, repeat the initial installation procedure (Installing Pepperdata (CDP Public Cloud)), using the new license key.

  • If the original Pepperdata installation artifacts are still accessible, you can use them.

  • If the new Pepperdata-enabled cluster will use the same configuration as the original cluster (except for the license key), you can use the original Pepperdata-enabled cluster template as the basis for your new cluster template.

  • In your new cluster template, be sure to substitute the new license key for the original one.

  • Make note of the name that you use to register the new cluster template; you’ll need to add it to the cluster definition.

  • In the Pepperdata-enabled cluster definition file, locate the cluster.blueprintName object, and change its value from the original cluster template name to the one that you just created for the new license key.

  • Create the Pepperdata-cluster as described in the installation procedure.