Change the Location of pepperdata-site.xml (Parcel)

By default, the Pepperdata site file, pepperdata-site.xml, is located in /etc/pepperdata. However, you can move this file anywhere you want, as long as you configure the necessary Pepperdata environment variables and, if applicable, configuration files for distro-specific management frameworks. If you later forget where pepperdata-site.xml is located, look up the value of the PD_CONF_DIR environment variable by viewing the template in Cloudera Manager.


  1. Use Cloudera Manager to navigate to YARN (MR2 Included) > Configuration > Service Wide > Advanced > YARN Service Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve), and set the PD_CONF_DIR environment variable to the /local/dir/of/your/choice.

  2. Move the file from /etc/pepperdata/ to the /local/dir/of/your/choice.